The next iteration of the internet – a Web3 enabled Metaverse – is where we will seamlessly combine our physical and digital lives. It will open new opportunities for creators to create and users to engage and experience. It is driving a new decentralized ecosystem, in which users begin to own, monetize, and utilize their data for their own benefit, and creators can monetize their content and talents in different ways.

While the Metaverse continues to be defined, the Web3-enabled Metaverse advances these opportunities with a new paradigm; therefore, its potential to unleash the next wave of digital disruption is undeniable.

This is a once in a generational change where iVirtual will continue to evaluate and make strategic investments and bets. iVirtual is currently well positioned to capitalize on this paradigm shift with it current investments in extended reality via HeymojiSports and big data with Big Trust Theory.

“It’s not a matter of if Extended Reality (XR) will touch all aspects of our lives, it’s a matter of when.”

– Goldman Sachs
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